At the twenty-second annual convention of National Association of Railway Commissioners, in session at Washington, President Decker, who is a member of the New York public service commission and an authority upon questions of this character, said: "The whole matter of express service and express rates demands careful and thorough examination, with a report upon existing conditions and any indicated remedies.
is something in the word love which fills the despairing with hope, comforts the mourner, binds up the broken-hearted, and eases the chafing of the prisoner's chains, unclasping them ere long.
the latter part of the last century Mendeléjeff, a Russian chemist, discovered what is now known as the "periodic law," which governs the relations of the elements.
Christian Scientists
everywhere will rejoice to hear of the new approach to The Mother Church—the beautiful new park which extends across the front of the church edifice and the publishing house, and opens through to the next parallel street.
the seventy returned to Jesus and told him of the wonderful works which they had performed, Jesus made this remark, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
One hardly looks to a religious organization for striking enterprise in the newspaper world, and the achievements of the Christian Science body in this respect are therefore quite unique.
The term malicious animal magnetism suggests the exercise of a malicious mental influence of one person over another, and such a practice is the very antithesis of the practice of Christian Science.
At the Episcopal convention in Cincinnati the subject of healing by faith and prayer was referred to a committee, instead of being referred to the Scriptures, where Mrs.
No observer can fail to see that the twentieth century will embrace a development of the spiritual side of religion such as the world has never known before, and there will be nothing "supernatural" about it, either.
The statement that Christian Scientists do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God would indicate that the speaker is as limited in his knowledge of what Christian Science teaches as he is in his acquaintance with Christian Scientists.
The commonly accepted theory of "mind over matter" relates wholly to the human mind, and therefore bears no resemblance to Christian Science, which, instead of endeavoring to enthrone the human mind, teaches how the latter may be brought into subjection to the infinite, divine Mind, or God.
On reading the account of the coroner's inquest at Urmston, I feel sure that a great many others besides myself will feel indignant at the way in which the coroner and jury behaved.
In the course of her remarks our critic says: "The Christian Scientists and other denominations that believe strongly in the power of 'suggestion' have a very large membership of men.
Under the above caption the poems written by our Leader have been compiled in a handsome volume of 79 pages, now in press, and orders will be filled in sequence.
recently our attention was called to an editorial paragraph in a newspaper, in which the great numerical growth of the Christian Science church was accounted for by the fact that this church offers more to its adherents than do other churches; that it even promises health and happiness to them on this plane of existence.
Previous to taking up the study of Christian Science, I had been a semiinvalid for seven or eight years, during which time I was constantly under a doctor's care.
After having had medical treatment for about two years, and being given up by doctors and friends, my husband tried Christian Science as a last resort, and was healed.
I had recently an occasion to prove the efficacy of Christian Science as a therapeutic agent, also occasion to be grateful for the privilege of being a student of a science that helps every one who puts it into practice, not only in the way of spiritual uplift, but by the healing of the ills to which the flesh seems heir.
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me and mine, to tell of the wonderful demonstration made in the healing of my mother through Christian Science.
Although I did not come into Christian Science for its healing, I have had many beautiful proofs of God's loving care for His children, when we turn to Him unreservedly.
A little anecdote which has helped me to make clearer to those in trouble how it is that God can help them although He does not know about their troubles, and how Christ, Truth, saves us, although God knows no sin, may help others.
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