I wish to express my gratitude for the healing that has...

I wish to express my gratitude for the healing that has come to me though Christian Science. I suffered from heart trouble for six years, and tried a number of physicians, but they said that I could not be cured and that I might expect to pass away at any time. A friend then advised me to try Christian Science, and I resolved to do so. After having a few treatments (one week), I was entirely healed of this disease. Some time later, I was attacked with severe throat trouble. I called a practitioner, and with a few treatments I was again healed. I was also healed spiritually, and other sicknesses in the family were overcome. I wish to say once more that I am very thankful to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

Henry E. Weiss, Stamford, Conn.

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Testimony of Healing
One evening while out walking, I accidentally fell, and...
May 15, 1909

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