I wish to acknowledge the great good which Christian Science...

I wish to acknowledge the great good which Christian Science has done in my family. My daughter and I were church-members, but in our trouble could not find the comfort that we longed and looked for. Since we came into Christian Science we have found the peace that passeth all understanding, for we know that God is Love, and that He is "a very present help in trouble." Last winter my little boy was taken with a very severe attack of bronchial trouble. I sent to a Christian Science practitioner for help, and she treated him absently, making only one call. In one week he went to church with us—well—and has had no more trouble. We are trying to live our thanks in deeds.

Mrs. Mary E. Murray, Bradley Beach, N. J.

I desire to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the blessings that Christian Science has brought into my life. I never knew life in the true, full sense of the word until after reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. It transformed me from a sufferer with constant cough, heart trouble, and fainting-spells, to which I had been a slave for several years, into a well and happy woman. I had taken medicine for seven years, but received little or no help. For the last seven years many other demonstrations have been made through the study of the Bible and Science and Health, and I feel that I have in a measure become acquainted with God—have learned that He is infinite good, divine Love, and that He governs the universe harmoniously.

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Testimony of Healing
I have felt for some time that I ought to give expression...
March 6, 1909

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