I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to acknowledge...

I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to acknowledge publicly what Christian Science has done for me. I took it up for the physical healing, as the last resort. I had been an invalid for more than two years, suffering with intestinal trouble in its worst form. Every known remedy in materia medica had been exhausted. I had had the best medical aid, and three reliable physicians had told me that I could have only temporary relief, but that by adhering to a strict diet I might live for some time. I was however gradually losing flesh, and after two years' trial of this way of living, material remedies ceased to have any effect. I was entirely healed in Christian Science in less than ten days. I have not taken any medicine since the first treatment, and have gained twenty pounds. I have had many other demonstrations, both physical and financial, besides the great spiritual benefit.

Words cannot express my gratitude to God, and to our Leader, who has labored so patiently to give us this spiritual understanding.—Mrs. C. L. Gamble, Evansville, Ind.

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Testimony of Healing
In love and thankfulness to God, I wish to acknowledge...
January 16, 1909

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