When I first began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...

When I first began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" it was to help my husband, but after nearly a year I found that several ailments from which I had suffered had disappeared. I had been subject to headaches which seemed to prostrate me from thirty-six to forty-eight hours at a time, leaving me so weakened that I could scarcely move. I had one or two of these attacks during this first year, but had no desire to resort to medicine for them. Then, for a period of about six months, I had no more headaches, and thought that I was free from them. At the end of that time I became a member of a Christian Science church here, but evidently the fear of headaches was still with me, for one morning soon after I awoke with the sense of headache. My first thought was that I had burned my bridges behind me, that I could not take any medicine now. This fear caused the pain to become intense, but I fought it all the morning. I had promised to spend the afternoon and evening with a friend at her summer home. On reaching there I was obliged to lie down immediately, but after resting a while I called my daughter and told her to telephone for help to a Christian Science practitioner. This lady sent word to have no fear; that man is God's perfect child. I seemed to realize the truth of that statement, and I lay quiet and peaceful for a time. Soon I became conscious that the pain was gone, that I was well; and oh, so grateful for the release from suffering. I then got up, dressed and went downstairs, and ate a hearty supper. The next day I did my regular work without being troubled by any lameness as formerly. This healing took place about a year ago, and I have never had the least sign of a headache since; and what is better, no fear of one, for I am sure I "stand fast ... in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free."

Mary E. Preston, New Haven, Conn.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
January 16, 1909

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