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A Beautiful and Remarkable Life
Concord (N. H.) Patriot
Rev. S. C. Dunn in the Presbyterian Herald of New England, submits a carefully prepared resume of the life of Mrs. Mary A. Baker. Because of the noble life this woman led; because of the good she accomplished and the peace and blessing she brought to others; because of the interesting story connected with her childhood; and because of the fact that she was the sister-in-law of Reverend Mary Baker G. Eddy of this city, the story is reproduced in The Patriot, the thought being that it will be of much interest to Concord people. The biographical sketch follows:—
"Mrs. Mary A. Baker was born in Boston, November 2, 1830, and died in Dorchester, Mass., on Sabbath, the 29th of June, 1902. When a child she sailed with her parents on board a small vessel that traded between Boston, New York, and the West Indies. Her father, Joseph Cook, a great-great-grandson of Captain Cook of world fame, was captain. On his first voyage in this vessel a terrible storm was experienced and the vessel foundered, and nearly all on board perished, and among the number the captain and his young wife. A seaman grasped the child, ready to sink, from the dvouring waters, and on landing committed the babe, only one year and a half old, to the care of a gentleman who witnessed the wreck, and the little one, so suddenly bereaved of her parents, was tenderly cared for by her kind benefactor. Shortly afterwards she was adopted by Dr. Root, a distinguished physician of Conway, Mass., who had no daughter of his own, and the child was known in his home as Mary A. Root. The little bright and intelligent girl did not know for years but that she was the natural born daughter of Dr. Root, and when she discovered that she was his by adoption, her love for him who assumed the place of a father increase instead of diminished.
"In the home of Dr. Root and from the lips of this Christian gentleman, she learned much about Jesus and the way of salvation. The words of Paul to Timothy are applicable in her case: 'And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, whic are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.' From a letter written by herself, we learn that she made a public profession of her faith in Christ at Conway, Mass., on the first Sabbath in May, 1843, when only about thirteen years of age. After qualifying herself at school she entered the seminary at Mount Holyoke, Mass., and was educated for missionary work, and early became a member of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions. She went out as a missionary to labor among the Choctaw Indians at Pine Ridge Seminary, Indian Territory, where she was principal of that institution. She translated the Bible into the Choctaw language. Shortly before her death the writer heard her speak fluently in this language, and she answered his questions so readily as made it evident to him that she had thoroughly mastered the same. In these yeas of Christian activity she was associated with Rev. I. C. Strong and wife. Revs. Cyrus Kingsbury, and Ebenezer Hotchkin, and other well-known Christian workers.
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August 28, 1902 issue
View Issue-
The Duty of the Self-made Man
Grover Cleveland
Give it a Fair Hearing
Not Loss, but Gain
Albert E. Miller
J. W. G.
True Gratitude
Christian Science and the Children
The Truth of Christian Science
The Way of Progress
Till We All Come
H. S.
Plutarch and Modern Thought
with contributions from Geo. Macdonald
Lost Ideals
Adelaide A. Proctor
I was an invalid nearly all my life as the result of three...
Harriet L. Miller
I was a very delicate child, never without headache, and...
Elizabeth A. Woods
I became interested in Christian Science through the...
Edwin C. Belknap
I am thankful to-day for the healing and spiritual benefit...
Christian Jensen
In 1898 my mother was taken sick with muscular rheumatism,...
Ella G. Parsons
"Whereas I was Blind, now I See"
Frances Bent Dillingham with contributions from St. Francis de Sales, Thomas A Kempis
Religious Items
with contributions from P. S. Henson, A. J. Gordon, John W. Chadwick, Andrew Murray, George Macdonald