The Southern Education Society has issued its protest against the child labor which has been so frequently referred to of late in connection with manufacturing enterprises.
following excerpts are taken from a review, which appeared in the columns of the Boston Transcript, of a work on "Siam in the Twentieth Century" by I.
With the laying, on the first day of the present month, of the last coping stone of the great dam across the river Nile at Assouan, the ancient land of the Pharaohs sees the completion of a national work, which is not only the greatest of its kind in existence, but in its beneficent results will probably outrank any scheme carried out in Egypt either in ancient or modern times.
The self-made man ought to see his course so plainly as to make it easy for him to avoid the wrong of sordidness in the possession of the rewards of his success.
seems reasoable when one wished correct knowledge on any subject, to inquire from those who have given it fair, careful, and comprehensive study, and who may for that reason be supposed to speak intelligently.
the doctors and the preachers get through denouncing the Christian Scientists, perhaps we shall have time to view their case in the light of the facts, and something interesting may be discovered.
healing the sick seems to present the largest field of activity for Christian Scientists, it is not the only means by which they can help their fellows.
reading the story of the cleansing of the ten lepers, in the Gospel of Luke, it seemed to me that this miracle is pregnant with Truth for all Christian Scientists.
A Little
niece who was an inmate of our home for some time, upon hearing some member of the family remark that a lady whom we all knew had been coming to our meetings, said, "Oh yes; L.
thoughts as to our supply of needful things for the morrow, as well as anxiety for our health, is causeless, since our supply is in God—Good; but until we know this through actual demonstration, all are anxious to a greater or less degree.
of the most hopeful features of Christian Science at present, is the fact that it is moulding public opinion in the press, the churches, and even in medical schools.
Plutarch, who was one of the most enlightened reporters of the thought of his time, was himself a good representative of the enlightened man of the world whose opinions represented that which everybody in his time was supposed to know.
For years I groped in darkness to find some solid foundation upon which to pin my faith, but the search was fruitless until my prayer for Truth—no matter where—was answered in the light of Christian Science.
A little incident has frequently helped me in my work in Science,—one told by a grown person, of herself when she was a child, not more than perhaps eight or ten years old.
Five years ago this spring, my little girl, then nine months old, was taken ill with what seemed to be stomach and bowel trouble; the bladder also was affected.
I had been a victim of almost hopeless invalidism when Christian Science was first brought to my notice about fifteen or sixteen years ago and was, at that time, not able to be on my feet for any length of time without suffering intensely, and had given up all ordinary pursuits, lying on my bed all day.
In 1898 my mother was taken sick with muscular rheumatism, and several physicians were, in turn, employed, but no help was received, and, as change of climate was recommended, I took her to the country, feeling confident that much benefit would result from the visit; bu her suffering increased, until it seemed a question as to the possibility of getting her home again.
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