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Five years ago this spring, my little girl, then nine...
Five years ago this spring, my little girl, then nine months old, was taken ill with what seemed to be stomach and bowel trouble; the bladder also was affected. Home remedies were used the first day, and the trouble disappeared, but fearing a relapse, medicine was procured, which was given about a week, when a second attack came on. My husband went again for medicine. The child grew steadily worse. She had to be kept in one position, as every little move seemed to cause great suffering, and she had ceased to notice any one. I knew that something had to be done immediately.
My mother was with me and had been taking treatment of a Christian Scientist who had but a short time before come into the neighborhood, and I asked her if she thought the healer could help the baby. She said she believed she could. A message was sent and an and treatment given. Just then my husband returned without medicine, having failed to find the doctor. He thought if we were going to have Christian Science treatment we ought to take the baby to the Scientist so she would know just how bad she was. So we went, and a present treatment was given. Soon the child fell asleep. The day had been very dark and gloomy but during the treatment the sun shone out for a few minutes bright and clear, lighting up every object in the room; and immediately all fear left me, peace came in its stead, and although there was but little change until midnight, fear never once took possession of me. The next morning all symptoms disappeared and the child was well. Since then I have neither given nor taken medicine, and although the clouds hang heavily at times, and the days are dark and dreary, I am learning that "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all."
There are no Scientists near here that I know of. I have the Quarterly and read the lesson to the children each Sunday.
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August 28, 1902 issue
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The Duty of the Self-made Man
Grover Cleveland
Give it a Fair Hearing
Not Loss, but Gain
Albert E. Miller
J. W. G.
True Gratitude
Christian Science and the Children
The Truth of Christian Science
The Way of Progress
Till We All Come
H. S.
Plutarch and Modern Thought
with contributions from Geo. Macdonald
Lost Ideals
Adelaide A. Proctor
I was an invalid nearly all my life as the result of three...
Harriet L. Miller
I was a very delicate child, never without headache, and...
Elizabeth A. Woods
I became interested in Christian Science through the...
Edwin C. Belknap
I am thankful to-day for the healing and spiritual benefit...
Christian Jensen
In 1898 my mother was taken sick with muscular rheumatism,...
Ella G. Parsons
"Whereas I was Blind, now I See"
Frances Bent Dillingham with contributions from St. Francis de Sales, Thomas A Kempis
Religious Items
with contributions from P. S. Henson, A. J. Gordon, John W. Chadwick, Andrew Murray, George Macdonald