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Practical prophecy

We prophesy correctly when we cease to acknowledge any reality in material sense and increasingly recognize the present allness and power of God’s spiritual, wholly good, creation.
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The general belief is that each of us lives in a material body, while also possessing spiritual qualities. However, what Jesus was saying was not that we merely have a spiritual dimension but that the spiritual—the substance of the kingdom of God—is all there is and therefore all there is to us.
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Morning spreads
across the horizon 
of a new day …
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Good is natural

I saw more clearly that my peace, health, sense of completeness, and joy depended not on what was going on in my body but on what was happening in my consciousness of God.
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How I found Christian Science
I went upstairs to the medicine cabinet and threw the pain relievers and sleeping pills away. I never took another one, nor have I had another headache since.
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As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being.
—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 361
This Week’s Featured Online Content
What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
        healing change? ...
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Judge not . . . and be free!

I thought about my concerns. Were they based on seeing this individual’s innate goodness—and trusting in his ability to express that in being good and doing good? 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Alone in the woods

 A night out in the woods sounded like a fun adventure at first … until darkness descended and this teen had to face his fears with prayer.
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Sentinel Watch

Our role in world events (part two)

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.
What happened to those nighttime tears? They were gone. 
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Testimony of Healing
I started meekly asking God on my way to work each morning, “Who are my children today?” and childlike spiritual qualities—such as tenderness, innocence, and joy—would came to thought. I delighted in these qualities of God, which are innate to each one of us as His cherished offspring.
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Testimony of Healing
I was grateful for having experienced the care of a group of loving, confident healers—the practitioner, the Christian Science nurses, and other staff at the facility. What a blessing! 
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Testimony of Healing

Sudden pain and fear gone

God had revealed His love to me in a way that lifted me up and destroyed my fear. 
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Bible Lens


Spiritual creation is ordered according to God’s will and proclaims His salvation.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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We live in a time when opinions, “hot takes,” and personal commentary are a regular part of how we relate to the world and each other. But how do we shift from being mainly observers and deconstructors to being participants and reconstructors?
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If you ever struggle to find healing, you can affirm—not as some sort of mantra but as irrefutable fact—that God loves you. You have the humility to yield to this love, which removes fear.
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Is your battery drained?

At the peak of my activity last fall, it felt as if I was spending all the time I was not in school, athletics, or church, at the STEM lab. It was a busy time, and I felt like a drained battery. While I enjoyed the work, it felt unsustainable. This is when I realized I needed a more spiritual view.
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Love is . . .

Love is not something to get
or to give away …
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How I found Christian Science
I learned that God, as divine Mind, is the source of all movement. This transformed my thought about the mobility difficulties. I immediately acquired the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and soaked up its spiritual truths like a sponge.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
Our “intuition” is actually God speaking to us. While I don’t need to walk around scared, I can be wise and listen for that inner guidance—God’s voice.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
        healing change? ...
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Judge not . . . and be free!

I thought about my concerns. Were they based on seeing this individual’s innate goodness—and trusting in his ability to express that in being good and doing good? 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Alone in the woods

 A night out in the woods sounded like a fun adventure at first … until darkness descended and this teen had to face his fears with prayer.
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Sentinel Watch

Our role in world events (part two)

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.
Testimony of Healing
The pain left immediately. I sighed with relief and continued reading. I knew that I’d be able to do everything I had planned for the weekend.
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Testimony of Healing

Fractured knee healed

I had complete freedom of movement. Without surgery, through prayer alone, my leg was healed. Since then I have walked and hiked mountains freely.
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Testimony of Healing
I tried to look at my own losses as opportunities to gain a more expansive view of God. It was a trying time, but I knew that God supplies each of us with all that we need, just as He did for so many in the Bible.
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Bible Lens


Ruth’s model of selfless love has inspired respect and honor over the millenia.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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It may seem intimidating to be accountable for knowing how to change our thought for the better. But that’s where Christ comes in.
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Freedom from heredity

The true understanding of creation eliminates all beliefs of heredity.
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In truth, the body is never out of control. It manifests whatever state of thought is governing it.
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I had been given an IQ test, and the results had indicated that I would always be slow to learn and have trouble in school. But thanks to Christian Science, that was not the case.
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Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in the islands.—Isaiah 42:12

Everyone prayed!

The many names for God helped us each pray in our own way to feel comforted.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
        healing change? ...
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Judge not . . . and be free!

I thought about my concerns. Were they based on seeing this individual’s innate goodness—and trusting in his ability to express that in being good and doing good? 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Alone in the woods

 A night out in the woods sounded like a fun adventure at first … until darkness descended and this teen had to face his fears with prayer.
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Sentinel Watch

Our role in world events (part two)

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.
Testimony of Healing

Grateful for quick healings

I was awed that in opening this book of some seven hundred pages I would find not just something meaningful but the exact answer to my need.
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Testimony of Healing

Toothache cured

I kept listening to what my all-loving Father-Mother God was telling me about my identity—and everyone else’s—as His complete, joyful, pain-free child. 
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Testimony of Healing

Growth dissolves

Those looking to Christian Science for healing do not ignore a problem or simply pray for something to go away. Rather, we pray to see ourselves as God, Spirit, created us and as we each actually are—spiritual and “very good.” 
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Bible Lens


Jesus provides indisputable evidence of forgiveness: healing.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Your influence for good

The adjustments we seek in our own lives and in the world begin with Spirit-based thought and come to fruition as the influence of Christ outweighs the fear, darkness, or materiality that would make us feel hopeless or helpless.
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The safe haven of faith

The trees were full of white blossoms, so much so that, from our viewpoint at least, they looked snow-covered.
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Instead of seeing myself as a participant in a material history, I needed to accept the true, spiritual view of myself as part of God’s ever-current reality of harmony and peace.
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All the objects of God’s creation reflect one Mind.…—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 588
How I Found Christian Science
I had publicly stated my commitment to Christian Science and my desire to be healed through its study and practice. This was a big step for me.
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TeenConnect: Q&A
This experience wasn’t about attempting to fix my friend. It was an opportunity to understand and demonstrate Christian Science healing more fully and to share with my friends something that’s very special to me.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
        healing change? ...
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Judge not . . . and be free!

I thought about my concerns. Were they based on seeing this individual’s innate goodness—and trusting in his ability to express that in being good and doing good? 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Alone in the woods

 A night out in the woods sounded like a fun adventure at first … until darkness descended and this teen had to face his fears with prayer.
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Sentinel Watch

Our role in world events (part two)

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.
Testimony of Healing

Healed of pain and limited mobility

This healing has changed how I greet each day. I awake, knowing that the Word of God heals.
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Testimony of Healing

University student’s needs met

I left the office rejoicing in the effortless way God had met both our need and that of two other students.
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Testimony of Healing
I realized I had an opportunity to prove that Christ is “the great physician” that heals every ill. 
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Bible Lens


Jesus’ works spring from God and evidence His God’s presence. 
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Drawn to Life, not death

A fascination with true crime stories was bringing me insecurity, not satisfaction, and undermining my clarity and confidence in God as the Life of all.
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Be a watchful porter

Right thoughts are always present because they come from God, who is ever present, and we, as His offspring, are always capable of receiving them. But we also need to be alert to the beliefs that might come on the heels of these thoughts, suggesting that evil is real or powerful, injury or sickness is incurable, or a healing is reversible.
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I felt helpless as a writing teacher. The university hadn’t yet formulated specific solutions to cheating through the use of AI, nor did it offer a way to check for AI-generated work that students might pass off as their own.
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The artistry of Love

There are no words I can express, 
no sound, no thoughts,
that can plumb the depths …
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How I Found Christian Science

I yearned for heaven on earth

I learned that I could embrace the world in my prayers and recognize everyone as truly being in God’s kingdom. To me, these practices constitute the essence of Church and the recipe for healing.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

I found joy again

As I continued to “stand porter” with my thoughts, I started to feel a lot happier. It was as if I had been dunked in love and joy—feelings I knew were from God.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
What does one have to do
   to experience change 
     not just any kind of change
        healing change? ...
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Judge not . . . and be free!

I thought about my concerns. Were they based on seeing this individual’s innate goodness—and trusting in his ability to express that in being good and doing good? 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Alone in the woods

 A night out in the woods sounded like a fun adventure at first … until darkness descended and this teen had to face his fears with prayer.
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Sentinel Watch

Our role in world events (part two)

Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.
Testimony of Healing
I was not afraid. I prayed and acknowledged that I was one with God—the only consciousness, which is All. I was certain that I was not separated from God.
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Testimony of Healing
I asked myself, “If God could keep Daniel safe in the lions’ den, then can’t the same God save us?”
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Testimony of Healing
This was an opportunity to pray on my own to know what was true about God, good, and about me as God’s good creation.
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Bible Lens


“Living God” represents the divine source of life.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.