Sudden illness overcome

Recently, while working at night in a guest house, I was suddenly attacked by illness. I had joint pain, began shivering, and felt generally unwell. My workmates suggested that I take antibiotics. But instead of using material remedies, I prayed. I started feeling some relief and managed to work the entire night.

In the morning I went home and opened the Bible, as Christian Science teaches that “the Bible contains the recipe for all healing” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 406). I found the first chapter of John’s Gospel very comforting. It says, speaking of God, “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (verse 3). 

As I read this, it became clear to me that God, Spirit, is the cause of my being and that He would not let something harmful touch me, His beloved child. Since being is spiritual and perfect, it does not need to be restored to health, as it cannot ever be incapacitated or experience illness of any kind. Only Spirit can have an effect on its own creation. 

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Everlasting Punishment
October 28, 2024

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