No more carpal tunnel syndrome

Originally published in Spanish

I grew up in Bogota, Colombia, and I started attending the Sunday School at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, when I was about four years old. The God that I learned about in Sunday School is the only God I’ve known—a God who always loves us and blesses us and never punishes us.

Later, I studied social communication at university. However, several years ago I made the decision to switch careers so I could become a chef. I enrolled in a culinary school and graduated as a cook and pastry chef. I am currently working at the school.

Two years ago, I started experiencing stiffness and pain in my hands—especially in my right hand. I am right-handed, so I mostly use this hand for handling kitchen utensils when cooking. The discomfort was affecting my work, and I consulted a physician because my workplace required it. The diagnosis given was carpal tunnel syndrome. The physician explained that I could have surgery for this condition, but it was not advisable for those in my profession because surgery would not guarantee full mobility of the hands. His recommendation was to try to live with it, and he suggested physical therapy and other ways to try to alleviate the discomfort. 

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Testimony of Healing
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October 28, 2024

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