Letters & Conversations

> Tony Lobl, “Our pain healer: God,Sentinel, September 23, 2024

Thank you for this editorial. I feel uplifted by the kindness, compassion, and solid metaphysics expressed. I loved reading “The practice of Christian Science teaches us not to endure pain but to challenge it.” This editorial highlights ideas that are a solid basis for healing pain through Christian Science prayer.

Cheryl Lohse, Delray Beach, Florida, US

> Kim Crooks Korinek, “AI’s need for our higher nature,” Sentinel, September 16, 2024 

I appreciate the sense of responsibility and glad dominion this article leads us to adopt.

Kathryn Price, Azusa, California, US

> Martine Blackler, “A freeing truth in the strawberry patch,Sentinel, September 16, 2024

I loved this article and how the author understood, even as a child, the universal spiritual truth available to each one of us. We are all innocent.

Rick Beatty, Highwood, Montana, US

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October 28, 2024

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