Christian Science has brought so...

Christian Science has brought so much joy and happiness into my life that it is with gratitude for its teachings that I submit this testimony. A member of my family was healed of cancer through Christian Science, and I saw such a change in her both physically and mentally that I knew I had found the truth. Since that time, eighteen years ago, I have had many proofs of God's tender love for all His children.

Our two sons have had the joy and privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School. A recent healing that our elder boy experienced stands out to me. He came home from business complaining of pain in the ears and head. I had attended a Christian Science lecture the previous evening, and the words of the lecturer came back to me quite clearly, "Pray, listen, and obey." We went slowly through the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (pp. 16, 17). Then we listened, and the thought came that in the consciousness of Truth there is no pain. We rejoiced that to obey was to rise above the error. Within a quarter of an hour the boy was free.

Our younger son has been healed of scalds, whooping cough, throat trouble, and the tendency to take cold. As an understanding of God's nature has unfolded to me, many faults of character have been healed. I am grateful for the life of Christ Jesus, for the revelation of Mrs. Eddy, for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, for class instruction, and for the privilege of serving in various church activities.—(Mrs.) Amy Cresswell, Liverpool, Lancashire, England.

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Testimony of Healing
For twenty years I have been...
January 3, 1953

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