Although I did not become interested...

Although I did not become interested in Christian Science for healing, I had the happy surprise of finding that it did heal me in many ways right from the start.

After making the acquaintance of a student of this Science, who never mentioned her religion, but reflected spontaneously qualities beneficial both to herself and to those with whom she came in contact, I decided, upon being informed that she was a Christian Scientist, that I wanted to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The next day I made a trip to town and bought a copy of the book. That day was certainly a turning point in my life. I realize that it was the guiding hand of divine Love leading me, and I am unutterably grateful. One or two contacts with Christian Scientists and a copy of the Sentinel, picked up in one of the hotels in a large city while I was waiting for someone, had impressed me previously.

Since then I have had much testing and purifying and proving. At one time I allowed myself to be falsely influenced and gave up my study of Christian Science altogether, but when "my steps had well nigh slipped," I knew where to turn and humbly renewed my study. The resulting spiritual uplift means everything to me.

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Testimony of Healing
Humble gratitude to God for...
October 15, 1949

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