the centuries since the establishment of the Christian era devout men, women, and even children have been impelled to travel from place to place to share the message of Christianity with their fellow men.
often in an attempt to explain some characteristic we hear the expression, "He gets that from his father," or, "That is inherited from his mother"! This also may apply to disease, which mortal mind attributes either wholly or in part to heredity.
Christian Scientists
on college campuses, in the armed forces, in the business world, and in other fields of endeavor are proving daily that the temptations of the so-called carnal mind are merely lying suggestions, with no basis in fact.
Inquiries are frequently made by Readers in branch churches, and by others, regarding the nature and use of benedictions in Christian Science church services.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight or ten weeks before.
So many blessings have been mine through the study of Christian Science that I want to add my testimony to the many helpful ones published in our periodicals.
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