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Christian Science has brought...
Christian Science has brought so much good to me in the past twenty-three years that I desire to express my gratitude for the blessings received. There have been many healings in my family and I have found that Christian Science, when properly applied, meets every need.
I did not begin to study this Science for myself, but for a brother, who was completely healed. Since that time I have had beautiful demonstrations of the truth as found in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I have been healed of a cancer, stomach trouble, burns, and headaches. A difficulty at childbirth was overcome. My second son was healed of heart trouble in one treatment. Mumps, measles, and whooping cough were all overcome by Truth, as well as sorrow when a loved one passed on.
I know that Christian Science is the truth which the Master, Christ Jesus, taught and demonstrated. I cannot find words to express my gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for giving us a clearer understanding of God and to the practitioner who so calmly and persistently poured the truth into my consciousness in the measure that I could receive it. I am also grateful for a better understanding of substance as Spirit and for the realization that as we turn to God, His ideas are ever available as our true supply. I am grateful, too, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church and for the privilege of class instruction.—(Mrs.) Hazel Conley, Oakland, California.
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December 19, 1942 issue
View Issue-
The Blessing of Christmas
"Let your light so shine"
Truth's Voice
"An eternal Christmas"
The Highway of Our God
"Break up your fallow ground"
Resolving Trials into Opportunities
Christ Walks Today
Peter V. Ross
Christmas Is God's Answer
Paul Stark Seeley
The Lectures
with contributions from Eileen Annette Carter, Loftin H. Mann, Bazil U. Carleson, Frederick Waldorfe Buckley
Radio Program
"Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Herbert E. Bonham,
It is now fifteen years since...
James Harold Murdoch
Christian Science has brought...
Hazel Conley
It is with deepest gratitude that...
Berenice Thompson
I wish to express my most sincere...
Mildred Ruth Olson
I have been a student of Christian Science...
Fannie Allen
"Ye shall know the truth, and...
Mary Valerie Dove
Through the study and application...
Owen Muschett
I received my first healing in...
Lottie Jacobs
My coming into Christian Science...
Anetta G. Schneider
Where Dwellest Thou?
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edwin O. Kennedy, Henry Davis Nadig, C. Melvin Elliott, Gladys Strum, Wallace E. Conkling, Alfred Grant Walton