[Extracts from Annual Report of Christian Science Committee for State Institution and Agencies in New Jersey.]

A women's committee visits each week one of our largest...

A women's committee visits each week one of our largest state hospitals for the insane and is allowed by the authorities to interview and give treatment to any inmates requesting it. In many cases the relatives have asked the committee to give help to inmates. The many copies of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy in the library are in constant use.

The first Christian Science lecture was given in the state reformatory at Rahway in November [1938]. It was attended by several of the officials as well as by about three hundred and sixty inmates. The lecture has resulted in an increased attendance at the services held there each Sunday afternoon, and in a greater respect for Christian Science among the officials.

The authorities in this reformatory, after consideration of all the leading newspapers, recently decided that The Christian Science Monitor was the only daily paper that could be permitted in the library, and have sent in a paid yearly subscription for the Monitor.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

Omitting Names of Diseases
August 5, 1939

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