It is with a heart filled with love and gratitude to God,...

It is with a heart filled with love and gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, that I write this testimony.

I have had many proofs of healing and protection through the study of Christian Science, but I should like to relate a recent experience which proved to me conclusively that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." My husband, who is not interested in Science, was stricken with influenza, and of course had medical attention. At the same time I seemed to be developing a rather severe case of the same trouble. It was necessary for me to care for my husband, and for a little while I was terrified, for it seemed as if I could not carry on. However, I called a practitioner, who gave lovingly of her time and understanding. She told me to remember that it was not what men know, but what God knows, that is real, and also that "as thy days, so shall thy strength be." This lifted the sense of fear from my thought, and I am happy to say that my healing was rapid and complete.

I am indeed grateful to the loving practitioner who has guided me over many rough places, and for the Reading Rooms, wherein we may go and be at peace, when discord seems to be all around.

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Testimony of Healing
When I compare my physical condition of suffering and...
June 4, 1938

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