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True Security
We hear much today about security. Laws are enacted for the purpose of ensuring one's security at a certain age, of providing him with money so that he will not have to work; in other words, giving him financial independence. In the maze of conflicting opinions on this subject Christian Science comes to our rescue to enlighten and clarify, for it shows that an individual's true security and independence rest in his understanding of God, in seeing his oneness with God and his infinite protection from all that would limit, fetter, or dismay him.
Webster defines security as, "Freedom from fear, anxiety, or care; confidence of power or safety, hence assurance; certainty." God's love, which enfolds each and every one of His children, provides freedom from fear, anxiety, care of every sort; and an understanding of divine Love is the only sure provision there is against these beliefs.
Mortal belief says that man is born, matures, and then goes through a process of decay ending in death. Christian Science shows how utterly fallacious and limiting is this concept of man, for the first chapter of Genesis states that God made man in His own image. God cannot be born, decay, and die; therefore His image and likeness cannot do so. Man is as changeless, as ageless, as God Himself, for he reflects, expresses, and coexists with God, Life. God is forever providing man spiritually with an abundance of health, supply, activity, joy, and peace. And loving provision is made manifest in human affairs in proportion as our consciousness is spiritualized so that we understand and behold man's Godlike, spiritual nature.
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June 4, 1938 issue
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True Security
The Upward Way
The Christian Scientist
Our Part in Church Services
The Fruits of Spiritual Understanding
Mind's Infinite Manifestation
"That your joy might be full"
A recent issue includes an article on Christian Science...
William K. Primrose,
In a recent issue, in the article "Is there a God?" your...
Percival Vincett Parsons, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
A contributor to the "Register Clearning House," in a...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Divine Sonship
Duncan Sinclair
Denying Detrimental Descriptions
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Mildred G. Baber, A. Stuart Addison, Stanley B. Cutler, Louise Gash Christensen
Several years ago Christian Science was brought to our...
Raymond A. Tolland with contributions from Louisa F. Tolland
As we travel along the highway of life, may we pause...
Letta M. Faunce
It is with the earnest desire to help those who are students...
Irene Matthews Clementson
Early in 1936 I had my first proof of the healing power...
Charlotte Proudlove
I wish to extend my thanks for Christian Science and to...
Gerna Jean Carney
The study and use of Christian Science in my experience...
Marguerite N. Lynam
I wish to give this testimony as an expression of but a...
Julie H. M. Brondsted
I gratefully acknowledge the healing power of Christian Science
Fannie M. Shapiro
It is with a heart filled with love and gratitude to God,...
Lou Lodge Smith
When I compare my physical condition of suffering and...
Henry Gundelfinger
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, L. E. Olson, J. L. Newland, Charles A. Platt, H. L. G.