As we travel along the highway of life, may we pause...

As we travel along the highway of life, may we pause sometimes to praise God for His wonderful works toward men! It was at a time of great need that I paused to wait for divine Love to point the way. I had returned from a physician, who said that my life was a matter of a few years. They had done all that was possible for me, and my strength seemed to be lessening each day, after years of treatment. I returned home and prayed to be shown the way.

That evening I met one who was interested in Christian Science. I related my condition to her, and as she was ready to leave the house she said, "Just you know who the great Physician is and you will need no other." These words made such an impression upon me that I expressed the desire to attend her church. I shall never forget the peace and quietness that came to my thought during the service. That was over fourteen years ago. Today I am pleased to say that through the study of Christian Science I am well and strong.

Mrs. Eddy says on page 199 of Science and Health, "The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible." For many years a vocation in which I was interested did not materialize. One night the above citation came to me, and as I pondered it enlightenment came. Needless to say, the desire has been fulfilled, and the vocation has branched out in many directions.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with the earnest desire to help those who are students...
June 4, 1938

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