In its search for peace, security, and contentment, mankind...

Daily Ledger

In its search for peace, security, and contentment, mankind has for centuries been employing various means and methods. Yet, although they may offer some measure of temporary relief and satisfaction, they cannot bring to mankind that assurance of abiding contentment, security, and rest which is promised in the book of Job, in the words, "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee."

Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, was truly acquainted with God, and proved for humanity's sake the certain means whereby all men may find that peace which, according to Paul, "passeth all understanding," and which mankind can never achieve by material methods.

It is related in the thirteenth chapter of John that on the night before the crucifixion Jesus washed his disciples' feet, concluding this ceremony with the injunction that they should wash one another's feet: that they should love one another, as he had loved them. How did Jesus love?

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