At the age of about twelve years I was rescued from...

At the age of about twelve years I was rescued from drowning through the prayer of my mother, who had then been studying Christian Science but a short time. Although the scene of this incident was over a mile from our home, my mother, suddenly aware that something was wrong, prayed to our heavenly Father for my protection, with the result that I was rescued when practically unconscious. Other helpful experiences during my boyhood include a healing from powder burns resulting from the explosion of a toy cannon, and from steam burns caused by exposure to live steam issuing from the side of a small steamboat.

Later, while attending college, I was healed, with the help of a practitioner, of an infection sustained owing to a fall in the gymnasium. Through most of the four college year I attended the Wednesday evening testimony meetings, although the church was four miles from the campus and this left me little time for study. However, the time was more than made up by the inspiration and help received from the meetings.

Many healings and blessings have followed in the wake of an expanding understanding of Christian Science. About eighteen years ago I was suddenly taken ill with a form of rheumatism. The help of a practitioner was obtained, but for a few days the suffering was so intense that the kind people with whom I was living became frightened and implored me to call a physician. During this time I was unable to get out of bed except by crawling on my hands and knees. One day when the practitioner called I asked if it would be all right to obtain some crutches to get around with. I shall always be grateful for the practitioner's reply. "You need to lean on God, not on crutches." This thought so aroused me that the suffering quickly abated and within a few days I was able to walk two miles. There has never been a return of this condition.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the good...
June 20, 1936

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