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Christian Science was presented to me by a sister after...
Christian Science was presented to me by a sister after she had an instantaneous healing of tuberculosis. I had been quite ill with typhoid fever, and the doctor informed me that if I did not take exceptionally good care of myself I would have consumption. I doctored with many of the leading physicians in this city, and took serum treatments for two years; but in spite of this I would catch cold from the least exposure, even in the summer. I had lost so much time from work that I found it difficult to get a job. Besides this, the worry over my sister had made me a nervous wreck. Because of the wonderful change in her after her healing I decided to try Christian Science. I had just opened up a soft drink place and was going to do some bootlegging, but as I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I decided to dispose of the place and get a job. I did not know where to find it, but for the first time in my life I did not seem to fear the future. A few days later I secured a job as night watchman for a large corporation. That was over fifteen years ago, in November 1919, and in all this time I have lost less than one week's work on account of sickness; also, during the entire time I have worked twelve and fifteen hours a night, I have received several promotions and increases in salary, and at the present time I have the night supervision of the entire plant, where I have many opportunities of seeing the truth as taught in Christian Science demonstrated.
I had been interested in this Science for a number of years when all the symptoms of tuberculosis appeared. I did not consult a physician, but had Christian Science treatment. The healing was slow, and many times I became discouraged, mortal mind even suggesting that I give up the study of Science. Other symptoms developed, such as heart trouble, rheumatism, constipation, and sick headaches; but each one of these erroneous conditions was overcome through the help of a Christian Science practitioner. Eventually I was entirely healed.
In 1929, my brother-in-law and I bought a farm, for which we paid one half in cash, and for the balance gave a mortgage demanding a large rate of interest. Then property depreciated, farm produce dropped in price, crops failed on account of the drought, and we lost most of our hogs. It seemed impossible to keep on, and the suggestion came to discontinue paying taxes and interest, and to await foreclosure. Then I took the stand that God's law never fails, and that there is no problem too big for God. I am happy to say that we have paid off the mortgage with its full rate of interest, and now the farm is better equipped than ever before. All of this was accomplished after we stopped planning, and left the solution of the problem to God. I have had steady employment and have received through giving, proving the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words (Science and Health, p. 79), "Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us." These words of Christ Jesus have been helpful to me, "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?"
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September 7, 1935 issue
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Higher Education
The Presence and the Power
"Underneath are the everlasting arms"
"Loose him, and let him go"
One Mind Only
Keeping Falsity Out
I should be grateful if you would allow space in an early...
L. N. Denniston, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut,
The statement that the teachings of Christian Science...
Dudley Stow, Assistant to the Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
The Bible relates numerous instances where sin and disease...
Extracts from an address given by Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California, at the devotional exercises conducted
"Not according to the appearance"
George Shaw Cook
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Bella Mabury, Adela L. Christ, Mary Scott
Eleven years ago I gave up the use of materia medica and...
Mary Ruth Dunn with contributions from J. Frank Dunn
More than four years ago I came from darkness into the...
Mittie Ilene Cardoza
The first healing that I experienced in Christian Science...
Frances M. Gorrell
With gratitude to God, I shall tell of my first healing...
Edward FitzPatrick
I wish to express my gratitude for all the blessings which...
Olga Louise Serton with contributions from Arnold Serton
Many pages could be written on what Christian Science...
Maisie F. Bristow
In Psalms we read, "The lines are fallen unto me in...
Leona M. Small
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Orien W. Fifer, Herbert Hoover, Anderson, Rosslyn Mitchell, Charles R. Brown, Hentry N. Kost, G. A. Ritchie