From early childhood I was a great sufferer and under...

From early childhood I was a great sufferer and under the care of doctors. Later I underwent two operations in the hope of some relief. These left me in a worse condition. Christian Science was presented to me about twenty years ago. While I felt glad for my friend, to whom great freedom had come, I was not ready for it. I accepted some literature and also an invitation to attend a lecture in The Mother Church, but I did not seem to grasp anything the lecturer said. However, the Christian Science Sentinel seemed wonderful to me, and I was grateful to read the testimonies of healing. I did not then realize that the great law of Love was operating for me. I was a member of an orthodox church and enjoyed the personal friendships made there, yet there was always an unsatisfied longing. In Christian Science that longing has been satisfied. "For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."

Subsequently I attended a second Christian Science lecture, and the lecturer stated that anyone wishing to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, could borrow the book from any public library. This I did the following day, reading at every possible opportunity. As a result I began to look away from matter to Spirit. I soon gave up my belief in materia medica, but as I was under the care of a specialist, it was many weeks before I was willing to give him up.

In 1910 I was informed by the doctor that I was in the advanced state of tuberculosis of the lungs. I was ordered away to a sanatorium, where I spent many months, but the following years found me in a much worse condition. While reading the Christian Science periodicals I was healed of the diseased lungs. I did not realize that this healing had taken place until after a visit to the specialist. He informed me that there was no help for me; there was nothing to build upon; that the only thing for me to do was to go home and be as comfortable as possible. He remarked, "The only sound part of your body is your lungs." He handed me two small bottles of medicine, saying that I could take them or not, as they would do me no good, and then added, "I think you had better try Christian Science." I began treatment the following day, well knowing that my lungs had been healed through reading Christian Science literature.

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Testimony of Healing
For about seven weeks I was unable to open one of my...
January 26, 1935

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