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The Joys of Ushering
Those who unite with the Church of Christ, Scientist, have the great privilege of taking part in its activities. In the Manual of The Mother Church our revered Leader tells us (Art. VIII, Sect. 15), "God requires our whole heart, and He supplies within the wide channels of The Mother Church dutiful and sufficient occupation for all its members." How joyous to know that there is, indeed, work for "all its members"! How that disposes of the suggestion that, because some have certain work to perform, there may be nothing left for others to do! How deeply grateful may be our hearts that there is occupation for all in Love's vineyard!
One of the inspiring and uplifting channels for service is that of ushering; its influence is far-reaching, and it plays an important part in church work. To realize that an usher is perhaps the first Christian Scientist an inquirer may meet, impels an usher to do preliminary metaphysical work well, so that his or her light may shine and the impartial love expressed to the stranger be keenly felt; then the sick, the sinning, and the weary who have been attracted to our doors, entering, will find rest and healing.
An illustration may serve to stress the selfless love and mental alertness needed by an usher. While on duty at a door of the foyer in a branch church, a student felt that uplifting love which is the reflection of divine Love. She felt the joy which Christian Science gives, and which is present for all to share; her heart was filled with unspeakable love for God and her fellow men, and with deep appreciation of the wonderfully inspired work of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. The student knew and realized that all men are attracted by spiritual truth. She realized that right where she stood was holy ground, because God's ever-presence is revealed in Christian Science; that the truth opens the very portals of the kingdom of heaven, and that all who accept it partake of the blessings awaiting them. She knew that each declaration of Truth from the desk would go forth with healing, and that the seeds thus sown would fall on good soil. As she thus pondered, the doors seemed to swing open to the wideness and brilliance of Love's presence. She felt there was no room for anything but love; and she was amply repaid for the metaphysical preparation she had given to the work.
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September 9, 1933 issue
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Divine Activity in Business
"Our heavenly Parent"
The Christian Science Textbook
The Way of Supply
The Joys of Ushering
Christian Science Gives True Hope
The First Music Lesson
Thought Unconfined
Christian Science is a religion based on the understanding...
George Channing,
Your correspondent, "Puzzled," in making some friendly...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones,
My attention has been called to an article reprinted in...
W. Archibald Wallace,
A writer in your "What Others Think" column made a...
Joseph G. Alden,
Christian Science teaches that God's forgiveness of sin...
Albert John Windle
Testimonies of Healing
Duncan Sinclair
The One Power and Presence
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Henry Bryson Ayers, Ida Denny Wheeler, John George Esser, Isabelle M. Lemke
I can truly say with the Psalmist, "I had fainted, unless I...
H. Stanley Bullock with contributions from Lorna Mary Bullock
My interest in Christian Science was awakened about...
Edwin Henry Dietzer
I should like to relate some of the blessings my family...
Hazel Ellen Scott with contributions from Edna D. Inks
Christian Science was first brought to my attention a...
Bessie Mincer Bates
I wish to express my gratitude to God for our dear...
Jean Woodside
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank M. Selover, G. H. Burnett, D. L. Zorn, William Thompson Elliott, Charles A. Richmond, Frederick C. Ferry, Arthur C. Archibald, Edward A. Thompson