I am very happy to acknowledge the debt of gratitude I...

I am very happy to acknowledge the debt of gratitude I owe to our beloved Leader for giving to the world the practical truths revealed through Christian Science. Many members of my family were interested in this teaching, and although I thought it was a very good religion I did not look into it seriously, as I believed I was quite content with what I had, and concluded that the happenings in everyday life were inevitable.

I was experiencing great difficulty in rearing one of our children, and when he was about three years of age he developed gland trouble. I was constantly moving from one place in England to another, trying to find a climate that suited him. For a little while the change of air would prove beneficial, then the old trouble would come back and steadily grow worse. The time came when the condition was pronounced very serious by one of the doctors, as the child had tubercular glands. There were two alternatives: he would have to undergo a major operation, or else live on the south coast and be strapped in a spinal chair. The doctor did not think the operation would be possible, as the child was too ill to stand it. We then made an appointment with a specialist. In the meantime I went to a relative who is a Christian Scientist and told her what I had just heard from the doctor. She listened quietly until I had finished and then said, "Well, you have tried everything else, now try Christian Science;" and although I did not really believe that anything could help I went willingly, as a last hope, to a Christian Science practitioner. I explained to her that if the healing of the child depended on me I could be of no assistance, for I had done all that I could. She lovingly promised to help me and asked me only to read daily the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, to leave the child with God, and to discontinue the treatment the doctor had prescribed. This I was willing to do, as no medical treatment had helped; rather had the boy grown worse. I went to the practitioner on a Tuesday evening, and on the following Friday, when the child was taken to see the specialist as had been arranged, he was found to be completely healed. All the swellings had disappeared and he was quite well and happy and passed as physically fit.

This healing took place many years ago, and there has never been the slightest sign of any return of the trouble. Since then, through the study and application of Christian Science, my family and I have had many physical and moral healings. As this wonderful teaching unfolds in my consciousness I am learning the truth of Isaiah's words, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord;" and my deep desire is to know more of God's way and to follow in it, because I know that only thus can peace and joy be found, and also the opportunity to help others.—(Mrs.) Gladys A. Player, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has been my only physician for over...
December 30, 1933

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