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Spiritual Attraction
[Written Especially for Young People]
Among the youth of our day certain remarks may frequently be heard which indicate that the desire for popularity has a strong foothold in human consciousness. There are, however, many in the ranks of the Christian Science movement who have learned the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 102), "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit."
One dictionary defines the word "popularity" as "something intended to catch the fervor of the people;" in other words, something to win personal applause. If the motive in this desire for popularity be analyzed, it may readily be seen that, though often unconsciously so, it is far from being a Christian motive. And should not all desire to be Christlike? That there is nothing dull or unattractive in Christliness is shown by Christ Jesus' words, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."
Although our great Way-shower dwelt humanly in the midst of materiality with its belief in sin, sickness, and death, mentally he was above it all—abiding in the realm of the real, where his spiritual understanding of man enabled him to master every wrong condition which presented itself to him for correction. His works were accomplished with the utmost tender compassion, yet with no false sense of sympathy. While we need to cultivate the gentleness manifested by our Master, we must not lose sight of the fact that he was also a mighty spiritual warrior; for we read in the Scriptures that he "was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." This was evidenced by his forty days' temptation in the wilderness. The suggestions of evil which came to his consciousness for admittance are much like those which come knocking at the portals of human thought today. What are we doing with these suggestions? Christ Jesus resisted and denounced them. With God-given strength he faithfully persisted in his denial of evil in all its phases. He did this not only for himself but for all mankind, and that is why we love him and are attracted—drawn—not by his physical personality, but by his spiritual character, which is expressive of the Principle that governed his motives and acts. Even so today the young man or woman who is truly admired is the one who expresses in his or her daily life a measure of these same true, affirmative qualities.
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January 21, 1933 issue
View Issue-
Business, and the Kingdom of God
Truth, the Great Employer
"It is well"
True Waiting
Using What We Know
Spiritual Attraction
In your review of a book, on March 6, Mary Baker Eddy...
Harry B. Bonney, former Committee of Publication for the State of Tennessee,
In expressing my appreciation of the articles appearing...
Howard S. Reed, former Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Please permit me to say, with reference to the letter from...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
The Day's Tasks
Recognition of Our Leader
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Estelle Tabott, Anna M. Moore, John F. Weber
Eleven years ago, while working on a building, I stepped...
Henry Maddocks
About the time of the birth of our little daughter the doctor...
Genevieve Donovan with contributions from Vera Donovan
Out of a thankful heart I should like to testify to a...
Hermine Blank
Five years ago I was a physical wreck
Carrie E. Krauss
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Emma J. Maxwell
Years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science, I made...
Jeremiah Heilman with contributions from Fannie B. Heilman
After I had been under the care of physicians for many...
Florence Isbell
My heart overflows with gratitude to God and to Christian Science...
Frances P. Stonex
The long record of God's goodness to me needs some...
Alice Fyock with contributions from Herbert
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Mitchell, James H. MacLennan