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The teaching of Christian Science turns human thought from the belief that life is organic, physical, and finite, and reveals Life as synonymous with God, divine Principle. Mrs. Eddy reveals the wholly spiritual nature of life in her statement (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 468), "Life is divine Principle;" and she also shows divine Principle to be identical with divine Love. It is only when thinking of one's self as separate from divine Principle that one lays one's self open to discord and limitation. Who would entertain fears on behalf of the safety of divine Principle? Nothing endangers Life or divine Love, limits its scope, nullifies its power, or hinders its reflection. There is nothing to prevent an individual from learning the truth about Life, Love, divine Principle, and thereby, step by step, annulling every sense of handicap. The more one expresses of divine Principle the more he reflects real life, and vice versa.
The Bible speaks of those who "through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." This fear can be overcome in no other way than by overcoming materiality. The anxious mortal, then, hitherto educated to fear lest disease, accident, or age should terminate his life, must ask himself whether these, or any other beliefs of the flesh, can terminate divine Principle, or the life which proceeds from it? He must cease watching his birthdays and rejoice in his spiritual new birth, the newness of life born of spiritual understanding. He must ask himself how much divine Principle means to him in his daily actions, his pursuits, and his character, and must learn to give it first place, if he would learn the secret of life eternal.
Mrs. Eddy writes, "There is more life and immortality in one good motive and act, than in all the blood which ever flowed through mortal veins" (ibid., p. 376). This statement impels one to seek life and health in the realm of divine Mind, and in that righteousness which reflects God and therefore renders man indestructible. The creator cannot continue and His creation come to an end. Are we acknowledging divine Life or Principle as our Life now, or are we still believing in some other life hereafter? Are we learning to prove that man is the constant expression of universal Love?
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January 21, 1933 issue
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Business, and the Kingdom of God
Truth, the Great Employer
"It is well"
True Waiting
Using What We Know
Spiritual Attraction
In your review of a book, on March 6, Mary Baker Eddy...
Harry B. Bonney, former Committee of Publication for the State of Tennessee,
In expressing my appreciation of the articles appearing...
Howard S. Reed, former Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Please permit me to say, with reference to the letter from...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
The Day's Tasks
Recognition of Our Leader
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Estelle Tabott, Anna M. Moore, John F. Weber
Eleven years ago, while working on a building, I stepped...
Henry Maddocks
About the time of the birth of our little daughter the doctor...
Genevieve Donovan with contributions from Vera Donovan
Out of a thankful heart I should like to testify to a...
Hermine Blank
Five years ago I was a physical wreck
Carrie E. Krauss
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Emma J. Maxwell
Years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science, I made...
Jeremiah Heilman with contributions from Fannie B. Heilman
After I had been under the care of physicians for many...
Florence Isbell
My heart overflows with gratitude to God and to Christian Science...
Frances P. Stonex
The long record of God's goodness to me needs some...
Alice Fyock with contributions from Herbert
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Mitchell, James H. MacLennan