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Recognition of Our Leader
A very significant thing occurred recently. An open poll of the women of America was taken, sponsored by the National Council of Women and the Ladies' Home Journal, to determine who, in the opinion of the voters, were the twelve greatest American women leaders of the past one hundred years. Of the 128,882 ballots recorded, Mrs. Eddy received 102,762, a vote which placed our Leader first on the list.
Wherein lies the significance of this pronouncement? Chiefly in the fact that it shows that many American women are today recognizing Mrs. Eddy's outstanding position in the world of religion. They are aware of what Christian Science as a spiritual force has done and is doing in America and throughout the world, and by their vote they have accorded the merited credit to its Discoverer and Founder.
Mrs. Eddy's worth, it is true, was acknowledged far and wide at the time of her passing from the earthly scene of her labors over twenty-two years ago, in terms affectionate and laudatory, for the spiritual influence of the church she established, the Church of Christ, Scientist, had made itself felt even then throughout the world. Besides, the periodicals which she founded—The Christian Science Journal, the Christian Science Quarterly, the Christian Science Sentinel, the Heralds, and The Christian Science Monitor—were already known to many outside the ranks of the Christian Scientists. Since then, however, the work of the church and the value of the periodicals have become known to greatly increased numbers, with the result that Christian Science is better known today than ever before.
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January 21, 1933 issue
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Business, and the Kingdom of God
Truth, the Great Employer
"It is well"
True Waiting
Using What We Know
Spiritual Attraction
In your review of a book, on March 6, Mary Baker Eddy...
Harry B. Bonney, former Committee of Publication for the State of Tennessee,
In expressing my appreciation of the articles appearing...
Howard S. Reed, former Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Please permit me to say, with reference to the letter from...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
The Day's Tasks
Recognition of Our Leader
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Estelle Tabott, Anna M. Moore, John F. Weber
Eleven years ago, while working on a building, I stepped...
Henry Maddocks
About the time of the birth of our little daughter the doctor...
Genevieve Donovan with contributions from Vera Donovan
Out of a thankful heart I should like to testify to a...
Hermine Blank
Five years ago I was a physical wreck
Carrie E. Krauss
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Emma J. Maxwell
Years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science, I made...
Jeremiah Heilman with contributions from Fannie B. Heilman
After I had been under the care of physicians for many...
Florence Isbell
My heart overflows with gratitude to God and to Christian Science...
Frances P. Stonex
The long record of God's goodness to me needs some...
Alice Fyock with contributions from Herbert
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Mitchell, James H. MacLennan