Right Kind of Warfare

In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 216), Mrs. Eddy writes, "Spirituality lays open siege to materialism." Then she asks this searching question, "On which side are we fighting?" The Christian Scientist who faces this question daily, and who endeavors with each passing moment to enlist on the side of absolute Truth as revealed by Mrs. Eddy, makes rapid gain in his course toward spiritual living. The determination to work with conviction, intelligence, and cheerfulness for the betterment of the human race is the highest ambition which mankind can cherish. Such endeavor, when guided into right avenues by the study of Christian Science, is in conformity with the loving counsel of Christ Jesus, given for all time and to all men, "Feed my sheep."

Since "the Lord God omnipotent reigneth," there is but one side upon which we may truly enlist—God's side. The Bible and the Christian Science textbook provide clear and definite rules for us to follow in every phase of our warfare. In addition to the ten great laws revealed to Moses are many other commandments in the Scriptures, all in harmony with the Mosaic Decalogue and all imperative in their demands. When kept in thought these afford unspeakable help and comfort to mankind in daily living. One tender admonition, much beloved by all Christian Scientists, is found in the forty-sixth Psalm: "Be still, and know that I am God." No matter how difficult a situation one may seem to be facing, this counsel, obeyed, brings calm and poise. We discover that we do not have to wait for a quiet hour, or an undisturbed spot, in which to realize the presence of God, but that right on the battle line of daily experience we can recognize His allness. Such knowing is true prayer.

In the fourteenth chapter of John we find another uplifting commandment: "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." This was given us by Christ Jesus, who recognized the fear latent in human consciousness. Obedience to his admonition stills frightened sense and covers the human need. Fear cannot persist in the consciousness of those who, through Christian Science, are learning at all times to rely upon God. No cloud of the past, no doubt of what today may bring forth, no trembling searching of tomorrow, can confuse those who are determined to abide in Truth. When with certain knowledge of God's allness we face the lurking thought that would try to make us afraid, we soon discover that fear seems to have only the power which we ascribe to it. Fear always disappears when there is no admission of error upon which it may feed.

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Appreciative Study of the Textbooks
December 17, 1932

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