Dominion through Love

Very early in his study, as a rule, the advancing student of Christian Science finds divine Love meeting some need; and for a time he may think of this Science as being useful especially for meeting that kind of need. Presently, as he goes forward, he finds it meeting many other needs. And at length he grasps something of the accuracy and grandeur of the statement of Mary Baker Eddy, the beloved Leader of Christian Scientists, on page 494 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," namely, that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need."

The way of love—of the understanding and demonstration of divine Love—is found to be the right and effective way for every good purpose. If health is the need, it is the way of health; if supply, it is the way of supply; if spiritual refreshment, happy companionship, a broader usefulness, it is the certain way to these—and to all that is good.

The earnest student of Christian Science never ceases to be grateful for divine Principle. Continually, as he learns more of Love, and puts into practice what he is learning, he is reminded that in loving truly he touches reality, and that this reality is peace and power and beauty. He sees in increasing measure, as the Apostle John saw, that "love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

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Leaning on God
December 17, 1932

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