In "Fundist's" epistle in your yesterday's issue occurs...

Hongkong Telegraph

In "Fundist's" epistle in your yesterday's issue occurs a criticism of my assertion in a previous letter that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, and, therefore, that there can be no place or space for evil.

Since God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent good, and since He created everything good, according to the first chapter of Genesis, it is not outside the bounds of logic to declare, as Christian Science does declare, that evil, which is acknowledged to be the opposite of good, has no place in real being. Had men continued to hold steadfastly to this concept of God and of creation—the absolute ideal—there would have been no error or evil.

The Bible gives a correct account of the real creation, and also an account of the difficulties that have followed upon the false notions concerning God and His creation.

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