Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication

It is with a sense of gratitude that I am able to report a continued friendly attitude toward Christian Science and our Leader on the part of newspaper editors in Colorado. The special series of articles on prohibition, which appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, was well received by Colorado editors. In commenting on this series of articles one editorial writer observed: "The twenty issues of the Monitor ... should be carefully preserved, for they will come as near exhausting the subject of which they treat as anything one is likely to encounter."

Clippings of sixty-four reprints from the Monitor have been received by this office. In addition, forty-four editorials from the Monitor were published, either in whole or in part, and favorably commented upon. The Monitor was given proper credit in each instance. One paper observes editorially: "The Christian Science Monitor is perhaps the ablest edited of American daily newspapers." Similar observations have been made by six Colorado papers during the last few months.

A newspaper, the circulation of which is probably as wide as any in Montana, before a Christian Science lecture voluntarily published an editorial acknowledging the great good that Christian Science is accomplishing.

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God's Kingdom
July 4, 1931

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