"Lo, he was not"

The Psalmist speaks of having "seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not." This shows that there was never real power in any evil appearance, else it could not have passed away. Real power is spiritual and permanent. It can neither pass away nor fail to be active.

What student of Christian Science cannot thankfully tell of the vanishing of one or more traits of error which he used to manifest; also of the disappearance of disease, chronic fatigue, or other physical disability? The reason of this is that whatever has not issued from God, the one Mind, is not a true condition; it is merely a mortal belief which we do not have to accept. As false belief it is destined to disappear from mortal thought. How? Through the appearing of the spiritual counter fact, which is always harmonious and always spiritually discernible. Christian Scientists therefore center all their thought on spiritual facts, vehemently denying discordant, material counterfeits.

Because genuine Christian Scientists love Christian Science and give evidence of their sincerity by demonstrating its teachings, nothing can arrest the spread of this revelation or hinder the growth of the organization through which it is expressed. Who, with feeble hands outstretched, could presume to stay the sunlight from flooding his room at dawn? But what is our part, our responsibility, in forwarding this redemption for all mankind? It is the sacred office of every student of Christian Science to be true to his present measure of spiritual understanding and to prove what he knows by definite reformation and healing.

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Spirituality and Its Effects
February 7, 1931

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