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Items of Interest
Attention is called to the illustrated article regarding the Christian Science Benevolent Association Sanatorium now being erected in San Francisco, which was published in The Christian Science Monitor of August 2. It gave up-to-date information concerning the progress of the building which called for an expenditure during July of eighty-six thousand dollars. It is gratifying to note that contributions for this project are coming into The Mother Church treasury from many individuals and churches in all parts of the globe; and a large number of associations of pupils in Christian Science, which hold their annual meetings at this season of the year, are sending generous amounts. Approximately five hundred thousand dollars will be needed to complete the sanatorium, exclusive of furniture, furnishings, and grounds improvement. The uninterrupted progress of the work depends upon the continued generous support of Christian Scientists.
Since there have been more pupils in attendance than could be accommodated in the Sunday school of the Extension, The Mother Church Sunday School for some years has met in two sessions held simultaneously. One session has been held in the original church, and the Superintendent and an assistant superintendent have alternated in opening and closing the two sessions. Another division has now been made for the smallest children, who meet in rooms in the Extension adjacent to the Sunday School room. The sessions continue throughout the summer.
Among the pupils are some very small and very young; yet they learn something of the lessons of God, good, and often are known to have carried these lessons home to parents or to have imparted them to friends and playmates. Seldom does The Mother Church Sunday School find itself obliged to turn away an applicant because of previous religious association or for other reasons. Properly, the wishes of parents or legal guardians are considered, but occasionally children apply for admission whose parents or guardians are indifferent, though not opposed to their admission. A letter of consent from an absent parent who is not a Christian Scientist is usually obtained when the child or the other parent is desirous of the child's admission.
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August 24, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"Honest and in earnest"
The Place and the Way
Oil and Wine
How Divine Love Meets the Human Need
The Mastery of Fear
"New every morning"
Niagara's Message
As the readers who saw it may have suspected, the letter...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In the Southern Press of February 24th, A. H. O. has...
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
In the Macon Telegraph of May 9, considerable prominence...
Richard C. Shoup, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
One Step Enough
The Genius of Christian Science
Albert F. Gilmore
Change of Heart
Violet Ker Seymer
"Abundantly satisfied"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Julia M. Johnston
I should like to tell of a wonderful healing through...
Greta Herlitz
Having proved, as have countless others, that, truly...
Martha L. Anders
Christian Science was brought to my attention about...
Hortense N. Levy
A number of years ago, previous to my becoming acquainted...
William T. Wilson with contributions from Annie Wilson
Christian Science came to me while I was a student in Chicago...
Frederick A. Herrmann
Words fail me to express enough gratitude for the many...
Henrietta Jane See
Before taking up the study of Christian Science I was...
Mary Sheffield Purdy
I have received so much help and encouragement from...
Myrtie M. Lightbody
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Lang, John Galsworthy, Ernest Fremont Tittle, John F. O'Ryan, George A. Oldham