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"Honest and in earnest"
Mrs. Eddy gives to Christian Scientists very great encouragement when she says in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 150), "A heart touched and hallowed by one chord of Christian Science, can accomplish the full scale." One who has glimpsed, even in the least, the glory of true existence, as revealed in Christian Science, longs to grow in the understanding of Truth, which alone can obliterate whatever in thought and experience is unlike God; and to be assured that this longing can be satisfied, and that consciousness can accomplish the full scale of spiritual realization, is encouragement indeed. But Mrs. Eddy does not stop with the assurance that the heart which loves the truth "can accomplish the full scale." She immediately points out that "this heart must be honest and in earnest and never weary of struggling to be perfect—to reflect the divine Life, Truth, and Love."
These words directly indicate the quality of thought and endeavor which must be maintained, if men are intelligently to achieve the spiritual harmony which expresses true existence. The human heart must be honest toward God; it must be honest with itself, if it is to partake of the spiritual purity which alone can reflect divine perfection.
The longing to reach spiritual bliss comes more readily to the human heart than does the earnest determination to overcome all within its recesses that is unlike God, and to continue to struggle unwearyingly toward this goal. But our Leader's words indicate that this is the task which Christian Scientists, must pursue, if they are to bring out in their own experience, and to this degree in the experience of all mankind, the possibilities of divine Science.
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August 24, 1929 issue
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"Honest and in earnest"
The Place and the Way
Oil and Wine
How Divine Love Meets the Human Need
The Mastery of Fear
"New every morning"
Niagara's Message
As the readers who saw it may have suspected, the letter...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In the Southern Press of February 24th, A. H. O. has...
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
In the Macon Telegraph of May 9, considerable prominence...
Richard C. Shoup, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
One Step Enough
The Genius of Christian Science
Albert F. Gilmore
Change of Heart
Violet Ker Seymer
"Abundantly satisfied"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Julia M. Johnston
I should like to tell of a wonderful healing through...
Greta Herlitz
Having proved, as have countless others, that, truly...
Martha L. Anders
Christian Science was brought to my attention about...
Hortense N. Levy
A number of years ago, previous to my becoming acquainted...
William T. Wilson with contributions from Annie Wilson
Christian Science came to me while I was a student in Chicago...
Frederick A. Herrmann
Words fail me to express enough gratitude for the many...
Henrietta Jane See
Before taking up the study of Christian Science I was...
Mary Sheffield Purdy
I have received so much help and encouragement from...
Myrtie M. Lightbody
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Lang, John Galsworthy, Ernest Fremont Tittle, John F. O'Ryan, George A. Oldham