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Truth and Tolerance
A great deal is said to-day about tolerance. The word is used more often, perhaps, than "charity," although the two have come under some circumstances to have much the same meaning in modern thought.
In the endeavor to gain the spiritual nature of tolerance, to learn to feel that broad charity which the New Testament teaches, we are sometimes tempted to believe that all intelligible truth is but human doctrine, that one person's belief is as likely to be true as another's; and we soon become lost in the maze of perplexities offered by this point of view. Trying to see some truth in every human doctrine that is advanced, we finally arrive at a mental state which is afraid to acknowledge any absolute truth at all. And this is often the result of an honest attempt to be tolerant.
Christian Science offers a very simple way to avoid this confusion. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" might be called a watchword of Christian Scientists. Every thought, every decision, every action, must be considered in the light of ever present Truth; and with even the most elementary understanding of God, we learn to distinguish readily between that which is like the Father, good, and that which is not. We ask ourselves, Is it Godlike—true? and the answer determines our acceptance or nonacceptance of the thought.
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September 8, 1928 issue
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The Church of God
Active Gratitude
Preparation for Blessings
Church Building
Truth and Tolerance
God, Our Real Relation
A news item which quotes a Los Angeles minister in opposition...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
It is pleasant to learn that though the clergyman confesses...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England, in the
The editorial handling you gave the discussions concerning...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas, in the
In a recent issue a writer states "Yes" in answer to the...
Carrington Hening, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In a recent issue of the publication Treuga Dei a...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
Christian Science does not teach the power of the human...
Frank C. Ayres, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
The Saving Truth
Good Omnipotent
Albert F. Gilmore
"Thou hearest me always"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Martha Stewart, Eva Katharina Schramm, Mary McLean Halsey
Christian Science has transformed my life from one of...
Clare G. Lovell
I began the study of Christian Science about eight years...
Emma H. Crawford
I became interested in Christian Science in 1921, and...
Harrison A. Campbell
When I came to Christian Science I was very ill, physically...
Marie Goulet-Costes
Some twenty-five years ago I was visiting friends in...
Alexander Alexander
For more than eighteen years Christian Science has met...
Elizabeth G. McKinstry with contributions from Emmons F. McKinstry
Gratitude prompts me to give the following testimony
Gertrud Staib
When Christian Science came to awaken me out of the...
Fannie K. Hirschler
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. Lawrence Lowell, James Lattimore Himrod, Martin Conway, A. Grant Evans