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Our Work
The meaning and understanding of work depends largely upon the viewpoint of each individual. Work which seems to be hard and irksome to one may give another pleasure and happiness; while work which appears to be barren and unattractive to still another may, in turn, bring satisfaction and a rich reward to someone else. All work is primarily mental and denotes activity. In fact, everything that really exists is the direct result of divine activity, or is the expression of "the unlabored motion of the divine energy," to use the words of Mrs. Eddy on page 445 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
The Bible is very clear and definite upon the truth of God's omniaction. The first verse of Scripture plainly declares that "in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Activity, therefore, as a primal quality of God, divine Mind, is fully established. Indeed, the entire first chapter of Genesis, enlarging upon this grand theme of active Being, presents the handiwork of God as the result of His thought and action, which, culminating with the creation of man, as the climax of His creative power, constitutes the "everything" that exists. It is only logical, therefore, to conclude that man, as the image and likeness of God, is capable of all true achievement, since he reflects omniactive Mind. This reflecting of God is therefore man's only real work. Consequently, it is neither necessary nor right to look upon life's duties as something to be shunned and dreaded; rather should they be regarded as so many glorious opportunities for proving the divine sonship. In the faithful performance of the "few things" whereby more of wisdom, strength, and power is unfolded, one is enabled to press onward until the goal of full accomplishment is reached, and the reward for faithful service, "I will make thee ruler over many things," is won. It is never God's purpose to overburden His child, to punish him with exhaustion for doing good works, to make him sick or impoverished and helpless with added years. Such penalties could not possibly be forthcoming from Him whom the beloved disciple named Love.
It is highly important that everyone should be very sure that the true concept of work is being held in thought at all times. It is equally necessary to free thought of all fear of penalty. No ill effect can come from right doing. Thus our work may always be seen as an harmonious expression of the ever active divine Mind. Honest labor is necessary for our growth and development. It is only mortal mind, so called, that would classify honest work as menial and trivial. So, even though our lot may seem to be hard, our work of no apparent consequence, and our efforts in well-doing unappreciated, no time should be lost in sighing or murmuring. The rough unhewn stone at the bottom of the foundation, unseen of men and forgotten, may be of more importance or service than the beautifully carved embellishment which surmounts the building. The true worker never shirks. He is never idle or lazy. He cannot be tempted by pride of place or power to leave his work undone. He has no time for parleying with discouragement, pride, self-pity, self-will, self-condemnation, jealousy, or envy.
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December 8, 1928 issue
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Our Work
Leaning on God
Life's Music
"As the small rain"
Progress Spiritward
The Christian Science Sentinel
Your comments in a recent issue of the Cymbal on the...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California
I would point out to your correspondent that his inability...
William K. Primrose,
In your recent issue, a doctor of Toronto Presbytery, at...
William A. Gilchrist, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
A medical doctor, writing under the heading "The Irrefragable...
Huge Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
In a recent issue of your esteemed paper you designate...
Hans Frey, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland
God's Holy Name
Pacific Coast Sanatorium
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"If the goodman ... had known"
Albert F. Gilmore
Healing Disease and Sin
Duncan Sinclair
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Paul H. Clark, Ada Moore, Lida Hall Munro
I did not begin the study of Christian Science to obtain...
Maxine E. Clemons
I have had much help in times of doubt and discouragement...
Henry C. Burchell
I took up Christian Science over eleven years ago principally...
Nina J. Hutchings
About six years ago, I was awakened about two o'clock...
Alice D. Campbell
In February, 1913, I attended for the first time one of the...
Augusta Haensel
I should like to express my gratitude for the many...
Martha Hofmann
It is nearly three years since I was healed in Christian Science...
Charlotte Julia Hill
I hereby desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science...
Wilmot G. Brown
Many blessings have come to our home through the...
Carrie Kelly
Many years ago, when I was a child, Christian Science...
Edna L. Snyder
In grateful acknowledgment of many benefits received...
Minnie Lansdale
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. A. Kring, Harris E. Kirk, John McDowell, Ernest Fremont Tittle