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I took up Christian Science over eleven years ago principally...
I took up Christian Science over eleven years ago principally with the hope that I would find through it the right outlook on life, the peace and harmony which I knew should belong to us. When I was just a girl, after refusing to join different churches because of their beliefs and rules, I took up the study of psychology, autosuggestion, will-power, and similar subjects in a search for some real foundation, for rules that could always be depended upon; but my search proved to be in vain, and I came to the conclusion that if there was the truth about real Life, surely it could be found in the Bible; so I immediately started with Genesis to make a study thereof. Of course, my study proved to be more or less material, and I soon arrived at the conclusion that the authors of the Bible were just human beings, and, consequently, the Bible merely a book of history.
At that time I gave up my search for a foundation of absolute rules and decided always to be governed by a law of my own, namely, always to do that which to myself seemed the nearest right under the circumstances. That helped my conscience, but did not aid where the actions of others were concerned; and gradually I came to the conclusion that either I was all wrong or else the whole world was. At that time I turned to Christian Science, about which I knew nothing except that its followers did not have doctors or believe in medicine; and I felt at once I had found what I had been looking for, and began the study of it.
Since that time I have experienced the healing of pleurisy, appendicitis, influenza, and many smaller difficulties. One of more recent date I believe to have been a fracture of a bone in my little toe, caused by my horse jumping on it. For three months I was unable to wear a shoe. During my mental work on this problem, as on all others, I found numerous other problems met as well as more understanding gained.
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December 8, 1928 issue
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Our Work
Leaning on God
Life's Music
"As the small rain"
Progress Spiritward
The Christian Science Sentinel
Your comments in a recent issue of the Cymbal on the...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California
I would point out to your correspondent that his inability...
William K. Primrose,
In your recent issue, a doctor of Toronto Presbytery, at...
William A. Gilchrist, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
A medical doctor, writing under the heading "The Irrefragable...
Huge Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
In a recent issue of your esteemed paper you designate...
Hans Frey, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland
God's Holy Name
Pacific Coast Sanatorium
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"If the goodman ... had known"
Albert F. Gilmore
Healing Disease and Sin
Duncan Sinclair
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Paul H. Clark, Ada Moore, Lida Hall Munro
I did not begin the study of Christian Science to obtain...
Maxine E. Clemons
I have had much help in times of doubt and discouragement...
Henry C. Burchell
I took up Christian Science over eleven years ago principally...
Nina J. Hutchings
About six years ago, I was awakened about two o'clock...
Alice D. Campbell
In February, 1913, I attended for the first time one of the...
Augusta Haensel
I should like to express my gratitude for the many...
Martha Hofmann
It is nearly three years since I was healed in Christian Science...
Charlotte Julia Hill
I hereby desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science...
Wilmot G. Brown
Many blessings have come to our home through the...
Carrie Kelly
Many years ago, when I was a child, Christian Science...
Edna L. Snyder
In grateful acknowledgment of many benefits received...
Minnie Lansdale
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. A. Kring, Harris E. Kirk, John McDowell, Ernest Fremont Tittle