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Progress Spiritward
A Question often asked by beginners in the study of Christian Science is, Why do I not make greater progress? In any line of endeavor, success can be achieved only by self-sacrifice, a fixed purpose, constant striving, and strict adherence to the rules laid down by those who have explored and marked out the way.
A student who desires to progress in the study of mathematics first chooses a textbook; and it is very necessary that his textbook be authentic. And he must strive to be teachable, earnest, and conscientious in his daily work. If one be self-willed, egotistical, and prone to argue with his teacher, he may seek to solve his problems by a different method than that which has been tested and proved best. Such a student is certain to find discouragement and failure in the end. He will not be prepared when the testing time comes; while the faithful worker, who has not delved into alluring bypaths, will come forth victorious.
Beginners in the study of Christian Science may be compared with those in the foregoing illustration. Some may unwisely seek an easier way. Egotism or self-will may lead them to try some other solution, supposed to be just as good as the tried and proved teachings of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy; but in the end they will find themselves deceived and robbed and perhaps left wounded by the wayside.
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December 8, 1928 issue
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Our Work
Leaning on God
Life's Music
"As the small rain"
Progress Spiritward
The Christian Science Sentinel
Your comments in a recent issue of the Cymbal on the...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California
I would point out to your correspondent that his inability...
William K. Primrose,
In your recent issue, a doctor of Toronto Presbytery, at...
William A. Gilchrist, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
A medical doctor, writing under the heading "The Irrefragable...
Huge Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
In a recent issue of your esteemed paper you designate...
Hans Frey, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland
God's Holy Name
Pacific Coast Sanatorium
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"If the goodman ... had known"
Albert F. Gilmore
Healing Disease and Sin
Duncan Sinclair
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Paul H. Clark, Ada Moore, Lida Hall Munro
I did not begin the study of Christian Science to obtain...
Maxine E. Clemons
I have had much help in times of doubt and discouragement...
Henry C. Burchell
I took up Christian Science over eleven years ago principally...
Nina J. Hutchings
About six years ago, I was awakened about two o'clock...
Alice D. Campbell
In February, 1913, I attended for the first time one of the...
Augusta Haensel
I should like to express my gratitude for the many...
Martha Hofmann
It is nearly three years since I was healed in Christian Science...
Charlotte Julia Hill
I hereby desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science...
Wilmot G. Brown
Many blessings have come to our home through the...
Carrie Kelly
Many years ago, when I was a child, Christian Science...
Edna L. Snyder
In grateful acknowledgment of many benefits received...
Minnie Lansdale
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. A. Kring, Harris E. Kirk, John McDowell, Ernest Fremont Tittle