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It has long been my desire to express, through one of the...
It has long been my desire to express, through one of the periodicals, my gratitude for Christian Science and for what it has done for me and mine. We have had many blessings in our home through the application of Christian Science. I am especially grateful for one of our early healings. At the time we were living in a small town in southern Oregon. We knew very little of Christian Science. Our daughter, who was then about two years of age, and who had been from birth a very delicate child, was taken suddenly ill. We at once called a more experienced Christian Scientist than ourselves for help. The child responded in a degree, but was far from normal. This condition went on for two weeks. At the end of that time I became discouraged, and asked my husband to call a doctor. This he did. The physician pronounced the trouble to be a complication of pneumonia, typhoid, and malarial fevers.
As soon as the physician had gone, I realized my mistake and wept bitterly. I knew I had taken my child out of the care of God and had put her into the hands of a mortal. Under the doctor's faithful ministration the little one grew worse from day to day, until at the end of another week she was hovering on the edge of the valley of shadows. I was in despair, and tried in vain to call a practitioner from another part of the state. It was in midwinter, and because of heavy storms the wires were down and communication by wire was impossible. I wrote a letter, which required three days to reach its destination. During all this time the child was growing worse. Finally, when it seemed that the "last enemy" was sure to win, the doctor holding out very little hope after a particularly trying night, there suddenly came a great sense of peace, and the little one slept quietly. The fever was gone. I was sure that the practitioner had received my letter asking for help. We had a quiet, peaceful day, and that evening, the storms having subsided, we were able to receive a telephone communication from the practitioner. She asked us if we were ready to dismiss the doctor; and the answer was "Yes." The next morning the child was up and well, except for a slight weakness. Since that time Christian Science has been our only help and physician. We have had many problems, physical, financial, and otherwise; but thanks be to God, who gives the victory, each need has been provided for.
To say that I am grateful to God for His infinite blessings, to His Son, Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, and to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for revealing to a waiting world this healing and regenerating power of God as explained in Christian Science, is but a feeble expression of the gratitude I feel.—(Mrs.) Alma E. Freel, Portland, Oregon.
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February 12, 1927 issue
View Issue-
Living the Truth
Pupils' Associations
Our Father's Knowing!
The Smile of God
Unfoldment of the Mother-Love
The Little Lights
In your recent issue you have an editorial article on...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Recent issues of your paper announced a discussion by a...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
In a recent issue of your paper an article under the...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
In a recent issue of the Daily News there is an article...
Mrs. Anne B. Nicholson, Committee on Publication for Western Australia,
The communication on "Spiritual Healing," in a recent...
Samuel Greenwood, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
On Walking by Faith
Albert F. Gilmore
Conquering Fear
Duncan Sinclair
Agreeing with Our Adversary
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Loyal P. Lindsey
For the past ten years I have been the recipient from...
Willis Reed Burdick
About six years ago I was persuaded, with some misgivings,...
Annie Richardson
With deep gratitude I give this testimony
Elizabeth C. Turner
From early childhood I desired to find the God of love
Mary C. Shifflett
Five years ago our little girl was born, and at that time...
George A. Garberich
I am most grateful for Christian Science and for what it...
Maybelle Bement Potter
I recall a time when I was told to rejoice
Emma Shepard
It is with deep gratitude that I offer the testimony of...
Ethel Evans Huschle
The first time I heard of Christian Science, in 1911, not...
Margarethe Janda
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Nichols