In gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower,...

In gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, and to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the great blessing of Christian Science, I am sending this testimony with the hope that it may prove helpful to others. We have cause to be very grateful for the protecting and healing power of divine Love, which we have had manifested in our home many times since taking up the study of Christian Science.

After trying various material remedies and failing to find relief, my mother turned to Christian Science and, with the help of a practitioner, was entirely healed of asthma from which she had suffered for many years. One of the many physical healings which I have had was the overcoming of severe sick headaches. With the patient and loving help of a dear practitioner I have been relieved from very distressing attacks of toothache; and an abscessed tooth has been restored to a healthy condition. Christian Science has been a great help to us in our dental work, as well as in many other ways. These healings mean much; but I am more thankful for the mental healings, a greater sense of peace, and more freedom from fear and wrong thinking.

Better than all physical healings is the demonstrable understanding which Christian Science gives us of God as omnipotent Love, an ever present help. I am grateful for the faithful and loving work of the practitioners, for the daily Lesson-Sermons, the church services, and the Christian Science literature.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel that the time has come for me to testify to the...
January 29, 1927

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