I feel that the time has come for me to testify to the...

I feel that the time has come for me to testify to the healing power of Christian Science. After years of invalidism I was instantaneously healed through reading that inspired chapter on Prayer in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I had suffered for years from a weak heart and nervous prostration, also from indigestion, insomnia, sciatica, and other ailments. Through those long years my Bible was a great comfort to me. I knew that God was the hearer and answerer of prayer, but I could not understand why, as I believed at that time, He sent me so much trouble and suffering. On page 6 of Science and Health we read: " 'God is Love.' More than this we cannot ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go." When I read that, I knew that my prayers were answered; and I was healed. Since then I have had many other proofs of God's omnipotence.

A time came when, to mortal sense, it looked as though I should lose my home and all my earthly possessions; but in Christian Science we learn that we cannot be deprived of anything that really exists, for we all dwell in the infinite Mind, which includes all good.

I am deeply grateful for all the blessings I have received, especially for the understanding of the Scriptures that has come to me through the study of the textbook; also, to God, to Christ Jesus the Way-shower, to Mrs. Eddy, who through her pure love and untiring work has given us her writings and the periodicals, to the friend who first led me to Christian Science, and to the dear practitioner who so lovingly and patiently encouraged me to overcome what seemed to be an impossible situation.

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Testimony of Healing
For ten years I was an invalid, under the care of various...
January 29, 1927

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