Letters from the Field

"As Thanksgiving draws near my thought turns naturally to the Christian Science sanatorium at Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts; for the outstanding blessing of the year was my experience as a guest there. I can never express in words my appreciation of all that was done for me. Only one who has been a guest there can have any idea what a beautiful experience it is. Among the many benefits derived and lessons learned, I think I am most grateful for the glimpse of the impersonal love of God which I obtained.

"I am doubly grateful that I can look back upon my experience there from the standpoint of both guest and associate, for it has been my great privilege to be both. The sanatorium was indeed a home to me in every sense of the word during the two years I spent there as an associate. Although I had never been away from home and family for any length of time before, I never once felt any sense of separation, so great is the spirit of love and brotherhood that prevails. I always felt that we were just one big family—one household—with one common purpose.

"My prayer is that the good that was reflected to me will find expression through me to bless others.

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On the Giving of Thanks
November 20, 1926

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