Man's Heritage of Good

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." These words, to be found at the end of the first chapter of Genesis, describe the nature of the real or spiritual creation. God's creation is "very good"! And what is God's creation? The universe of Spirit, which includes man and all other real ideas.

Now whenever one thinks of creation, the so-called material universe is apt to present itself; and then one is prone to dwell upon the concepts which the physical senses present. Indeed, it is in these material concepts men largely dwell; and, dwelling there in belief, they experience the trails, numerous and varied and oftentimes grievous, which beset these false concepts of creation. No one surveying mortal existence would say that its heritage was other than one where trouble seemed to abound; no one could say that material existence was a goodly heritage.

But Christian Science is opening the eyes of mankind to the great truths of real being. If any one will obtain Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," he will find that it contains one of the most remarkable chapters ever written on Genesis, wherein is drawn the clearest possible distinction between the real creation—that described in the first chapter of Genesis and the first five verses of the second chapter—and the unreal or false material sense of creation. With irresistible logic the real creation is shown to be altogether spiritual and altogether good, and the material sense of creation not to be of God, and not, therefore, real or good. In other words, on the basis that God is infinite and perfect Spirit, Christian Science maintains that creation is entirely spiritual and perfectly good, and that in reality there is no other creation.

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May 30, 1925

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