the fourth, 1925, will mark the completion of the first half century since the Christian Science textbook was given to the world by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
native land! What thrills of emotion, what flights of fancy, what tenderness are associated in the heart with these three words! But with the enlarged understanding which Christian Science gives of all things, these find a place on a higher plane than that on which a merely material sentiment found them.
William Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
In a recent issue of the Baltimore American there is a statement that attempts to explain the reason why Christian Science is so effective in healing diseases.
when the daily round seemed dull and drear,This message came to me, divinely clear:Know, child of Mine, that all I askIs that thy daily taskShall with such loving care and tendernessBe wrought, that all who seeMay feel and recognize 't was done for Me.
persons have had the privilege of presenting to the world a message which has revolutionized human thought on the most important of all subjects, namely, God, His nature, His creation including man, and man's relation to Him.
at God's command to Moses a jubilee year was instituted for the children of Israel, it was probably done largely because of the good that would accrue to these people through their recognizing, at least once in fifty years, the importance of an especial season of thanksgiving to God for the blessings they as a people had received.
In order to mark in a simple and appropriate manner the completion of a half century since "Science and Health" was first published, the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy have authorized the publication of a Half Century Edition of the pocket-size textbook.
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
In 1921, I was taken very ill with a severe stomach trouble and the breaking down of my whole nervous system, being confined to my bed for three months.
Full of gratitude for Christian Science, I should like to bear testimony to the marvelous manner in which my life was saved through my faith in its teachings.
It would be impossible to express in words the deep and sincere gratitude I feel for all that Christian Science has done for me and is doing for the world.
For a long time I have wanted to express my gratitude through the periodicals for a healing I experienced about seven years ago, and more especially for the way in which the healing came about.
Father hath given each child of His careA garden implanted with seedlings so fair;The buds and the blossoms are molded above,Their petals all perfumed with meekness and love;Oh, blest is our God-given garden!
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