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Before I was attracted to Christian Science by the different...
Before I was attracted to Christian Science by the different point of view which my brother adopted on taking up the study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I was always either taking patent medicines or under the doctor's care. But as I began to understand the meaning of "the scientific statement of being," to be found on page 468 of Science and Health, many fears disappeared; and for over twelve years I have not taken medicine of any kind. While in the army I was stationed for some time at Ripon, Yorkshire, England; and I cannot express the joy I felt on making my way through the unlighted streets my first night out from camp, when I saw the sign of the Christian Science Reading Room, and on the many subsequent visits to that "upper room" and later to the larger building. I am very grateful for our daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor, and our other authorized litature, and for the progress made through class instruction, membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, and loyal obedience to the Church Manual. I am finding that in true service is found the proof of gratitude, which words can never express.
Douglas Spencer, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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May 31, 1924 issue
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Evil is Unreal
Goodness, Truth, and Beauty
True Peace
The Scriptures
The Answered Prayer
Had I the Mind of Christ
The Christian Science church was founded by Mrs. Eddy...
Mrs. Elsie Ashwell, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
Those who have experienced the spiritual healing of...
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
In a recent issue of your paper, in an article with the...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
The many persons now living who knew Mrs. Eddy intimately...
Willard Joseph Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of lowa,
A supposed authority on Gnosticism states that it ...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Please permit me to make the following statement in...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
A City Set upon an Hill
"Works meet for repentance"
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Universal Reign
Ella W. Hoag
God's Guidance
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from M. Wigglesworth, Richard J. Davis, George W. Gimson, Lucile J. Thomas
Christian Science was first brought to my attention as...
Harry R. Boals
Eight years ago I received my first two healings through...
Ethel Canterbury
After trying all kinds of material means, I was led to buy...
Bertha Brengelman
A few years ago, while at a hotel in the mountains, I...
Mabel C. Wheeler
I wish to express gratitude for the life of our beloved...
Richard Barlow
Before I was attracted to Christian Science by the different...
Douglas Spencer
Since becoming interested in Christian Science nearly...
Frances Goodwin
It is with joy and gratitude to God and to Mrs. Eddy...
Cora A. Sypherd
I am grateful for Christian Science, which has met our...
Helen Kortgaard
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. W. Barnes, O. H. M'Cowen, C. O. Judkins, Crane, Burton M. Palmer