I was suffering severe pains in my hand and foot, effects...

I was suffering severe pains in my hand and foot, effects of rheumatic fever, and was healed by reading the chapter on Prayer in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. This was my first healing in Christian Science. Another healing from reading the textbook was of trouble with my side. I had been treated by two physicians in this city and by other physicians in another town, but was not healed until I became interested in Christian Science. Another morning when suffering, I took the textbook and read from it, and was healed.

I am grateful for the help I have received many times from a faithful practitioner to whom I have turned for aid. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church; also for having had the privilege of class instruction; and for this wonderful truth, to which I can turn for help in solving my daily problems.

(Mrs.) Mattie A. Whedon, Manchester, N. H.

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September 1, 1923

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