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Uprooting the Weeds
The warm days of early spring, the bright sunshine, and the refreshing showers give impulse to growth of every nature. The leaves begin to unfold, the buds swell and burst into a wealth of blossoms, and a carpet of green replaces the somber hue of earth; but along with these glories of earth and sky springs growth of an opposite nature,—the devastating weed, rank and deep-rooted, which nothing but patience and perseverance can destroy.
An experience in trying to uproot these pests of the garden brought home to the writer through a homely simile a timely lesson and one for which she has cause to be most grateful; and out of this gratitude springs the desire to relate the experience, that it may be helpful to others. An ailment which seemed to cling most tenaciously, in spite of persistent endeavor on the part of both practitioner and patient, would yield for a time only and then return. One day, deeply discouraged by sense testimony, the sufferer impatiently asked the practitioner: "Why is it that this error is not destroyed once and for all, since Mrs. Eddy has said (Science and Health, p. 217), 'When you have once conquered a diseased condition of the body through Mind, that condition never recurs, and you have won a point in Science'" The reply was that the error or diseased belief had not been thoroughly rooted out and that some vestige of the belief was still buried in thought.
The answer made a deep impression, and the phrase "buried in thought" recalled the experience of the garden,— how in trying to uproot the weeds she had often dug down deep only to have the long root break off, leaving the tip end embedded in the soil to spring up at some future time; or she had impatiently cut off the top growth, because weary of what seemed an endless task, thinking that this would suffice for the time being and that the next time she could take care of it. Had she not let the weeds of error grow up in her mental garden in the same careless fashion? In breaking off that which was visible, she had left the health destroying root buried in thought, where it was likely to spring up again when the atmosphere of mortal mind was most favorable and self-pity, fear, impatience, and kindred errors had watered it.
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April 12, 1919 issue
View Issue-
Religion Put into Practice
Uprooting the Weeds
The Simplicity of Truth
About Heaven
God's Ideas
"Presence of mind"
Mind versus Resistance
William P. McKenzie
Rending the Veil of Materialism
William D. McCrackan
Predestination and Choice
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Alfa M. Hatch, Joseph Raymond, Ella M. Carmichael
Up to January, 1912, I had been what is called a moderate...
John S. Webber
Does it not seem sometimes that before we can go higher...
Gratia K. Acuff
Christian Science has been everything to me, having...
Hilda Summerhayes with contributions from W. R. Sheppard
In Christian Science we know that every day is one of...
Kate C. Cleveland
I desire to offer my heartfelt gratitude for regeneration...
Edith Florence Dare
It seems to me that gratitude, the recognition of blessings...
Douglas Roberts
My first healing in Christian Science took place about...
Ines M. Perkins
This is to express my loving gratitude for all the blessings...
Helen M. Snyder
My first healing in Christian Science was so wonderful...
Martishie Hilliard
The grateful testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals...
Hazel L. Johnson
Mazzini has said, "He who can spiritualize democracy...
F. H. Du Vernet, Archbishop of Caledonia,
I notice that in a western diocese a number of clergymen...
The Dean of Durhamin
Men have been accustomed to say that faith is a condition...
Rev. A. Q. Bailey
The world cannot be reconstructed by a formula
Dr. S. Earl Taylor