back, at times, over the paths we have trodden since beginning the study of Christian Science, we can perceive some of the steps by which we have risen to higher planes and which enable us to get clearer views of the infinite ideas of Mind even though these steps were hard won, and perhaps appeared to be stopping places from which it seemed impossible, at times, to mount higher.
has been universally accepted among men that in times of great danger only those who have presence of mind can be of use in preventing serious accident and saving themselves and others.
In a hospital at a military camp a Christian Science Welfare worker sat by the bedside of a soldier who, the doctor and nurse believed, could not possibly recover.
I have read the "Open Letter on Plague Danger," published in the Daily News, wherein the writer states that "the people of Christian Science persuasion tell us that we should ignore the whole matter.
"A soldier who had been a very timid and self-conscious chap, writes from a little place near Langres, France, referring to some literature I sent him, 'You could have sent me nothing more helpful nor more welcome.
Christian Science makes its appeal to people through its healing ministry, they soon find themselves called upon to adjust their religious concepts so as to come into line with the requirements of Principle.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
Up to January, 1912, I had been what is called a moderate drinker for about twenty years, when my condition had become so bad that I began to realize my end would soon come if a change was not made.
In Christian Science we know that every day is one of thanksgiving, and I wish to express my gratitude through our periodicals, which are providing us so bountifully with spiritual food, for this religion taught by our Master and revealed to us by our Leader, Mrs.
The grateful testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals and at the Wednesday evening meetings all over the world are showing the truth that God is appearing to us and that we are beginning to see Him as He is.
The experiments made at Goat Island by Navy doctors in an effort to learn something about the influenza germ, carry a lesson that every person should study and understand.
I notice that in a western diocese a number of clergymen have addressed a formal protest to their bishop because a nonconformist minister has been allowed to take some small part in a national service of commemoration within the cathedral.
Men have been accustomed to say that faith is a condition which makes possible the operation of the power of God—that only where there is faith can God's power enter in and accomplish His work.
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